Defining Moments in Video Games


Here is the timeline's link if you want to see it: 

Defining moments in Video Games

Knowing about video games is one of the most recognized topics at this time because you can make money either only for playing video games as a professional gamer or playing video games while you streaming. The objective of this topic is that you can learn about important events of video games, as an English learner I could memorize new vocabulary, and use dates and new expressions that are used in this topic. And I hope you do the same :).

Now a little exercise to remember facts about the timeline that I showed you before.


1.    Where was the debut of the first video game?

2.    What is the second name of the Video Computer System?  

3.    What is the worst game ever made?

4.    Where did thousands of game cartridges of E.T. video games end up?

5.    What is Sega's classic character?

6.    What is Nintendo's classic character?

7.    Which games of Sony were capable to show the console's new capabilities in 1994?

8.    What was the most popular franchise that Microsoft invented in 2001?

9.    When did eSports popularity begin?

10. How much money is expected to generate eSports in 2020?

All this activity about video games is my own opinion, this is what I like if you want to share your opinion you can do it. :)
